To correct a potential issue with the Trimble T10x that prevents users from using the hot swap
capability of the T10x, Trimble has released a BIOS update.
Installation Instructions
Download the new BIOS <here>
1. Copy the BIOS update file onto the T10x tablet.
2. Connect AC power to the tablet. (AC power is required for BIOS update.)
3. Locate the executable file (.exe) and Right click the file. Run the file as Administrator.
NOTE: Do not rename the .EXE file. The BIOS Update will fail if the file name is changed.
Once the file is run the update process will start. The tablet will reboot automatically during this
process. After the reboot, you will see the update progress bar.
After the update progress is complete, the unit will automatically reboot again.
Note, the unit may reboot several times before booting into the Windows Operating system.
4. After booting into the OS, shutdown the unit. Then “press and hold” the power button for
~15 seconds to force a complete power down. This will allow the unit to correctly load the
changes when it is powered up again.
You can now power on the unit as usual. The boot will take longer than usual because it needs to
reload firmware.
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