1. Verify If Reprise License Manager Is Installed
1. To begin, click on the Windows icon in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
- Windows 10) Scroll down to the 'R's
- Windows 11) Select ‘All Apps’, then Scroll down to the 'R's
2. Look for Reprise License Manager (use this method to find it as it does not show up in a search)
- Option A.) If RLM is installed, follow the steps in 1a. "Uninstalling Reprise License Manager"
Then move to the Uninstalling Trimble Field Points - Option B.) If RLM is not installed, simply, move on to Field Points
1a. Uninstalling Reprise License Manager
- Go to the box next to the Windows icon that says, "Type here to search"
- Now, Type “Apps &” in the box that says, "Type here to search"
- The Apps and Features option should show up, select it
- Go the Search this list box
- and type in "Reprise"
- Tap on Reprise License Manager (RLM)
- Choose Uninstall
Accept all defaults
Make sure Reprise License Manager (RLM) disappears from the window - Remove the RLM and Reprise folders in the following location in File Explorer:
- Follow this path: This PC > Windows (C:) > Program Data
- IF YOU SEE the Program Data folder, skip the following two steps and go down to Delete Folders steps
- IF YOU DO NOT SEE the Program Data folder, please use the two steps below, as Program Data is a
hidden folder and needs to be made visible. - To make Program Data visible look to the top of the File Explorer window and tap on View
- It will open a ribbon, tap on the box in front of Hidden Items, so a check mark is in the box
1b. Deleting Data Folders
- Select the two folders Reprise and RLM and delete them
2. Uninstalling Trimble Field Points
"Uninstall Trimble Field Points", be sure to uninstall all versions
- Right-click on the Windows icon in the lower-left hand corner of the screen
- Type “Apps &” in the box that says, "Type here to search"
- The Apps and Features option should show up, select it
- In the ‘Search this list’ box, type “Trimble Field”, then select the Trimble Field Points version you would like to uninstall (Trimble Field Points for Revit will also be displayed)
- Select Uninstall
- Accept all the default options
3. Installing Trimble Installation Manager
Click on the Windows icon in the lower left hand corner of the screen
Scroll down to the 'T's, Look for Trimble Installation Manager.
Option A.) If it is not there, "Install Trimble Installation Manager". (Refer to Trimble Installation Manager - Setup Guide)
Then move on to Installing Trimble Field Points Subscriptions
Option B.) If Trimble Installation Manager is installed, simply, move on to Installing Trimble Field Points Subscriptions
4. Installing Trimble Field Points Subscriptions
Finish by simply, "Installing Trimble Field Points Subscriptions in TIM"
- Be sure Controller is selected (Green Box)
- Be sure Trimble Field Points is selected (Blue Box)
- If it is not visible, check Show all (Yellow Box)
- DO NOT select Trimble Field Points (RLM)
- Trimble Field Points Subscription will be visible (Orange Box)
- Use the drop down carrot to select the version {Year} (Red Box)
- Uncheck the options not desired
- Click on Install
- Accept all of the defaults
- Open the AutoCAD/Revit version that Trimble Field Points was installed into.
Open or start a new job
- Click on Trimble Field Points in the ribbon
- Sign in with the email address that the license is assigned to. *(Note that users must be activated and assigned before this step, please refer to Trimble Software Subscription - Setup Guide).
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