After purchasing a new Trimble Subscription software license, BuildingPoint will assign the licenses to your company owner/administrator. The admin will be sent an email to activate the license(s) and assign them to users via their email address. Through the license management portal, the admin can change the assignment of any owned license in the future.
An example of the activation email message is included below. This example includes the link to create a Trimble ID (TID). If you have already created a TID that is associated to the same email address as the activation email, then you will only see the Visit License Manger Link.
You can create a Trimble ID via the following link if you don’t already have one.
The link to access the License Manager is located at:
Best Practices: Who Should Be The Company Admin?
It’s a best practice to have company licenses assigned to a single master owner or administrator. End users should not be license owners unless they are one and the same for your company. The owner/admin can assign Trimble software licenses and move the licenses as needed. You can also create additional administrators by granting users administrator access, which is outlined below in section 6.
Once you sign in to the License Manager, you will see all of the software subscriptions that have been assigned to your TID under the Licenses tab. You will need to accept the licensing terms for each license before you are allowed to use the license or assign it to another user. Accepting the terms for one license in a specific software block will accept the terms for all of the licenses in that block. See the example screenshot below of a subscription license list.
To assign a license to an existing user, select the “Assign Users” icon as highlighted below.
From that list, please select the available license, then choose the user to assign the license to.
***Currently there is an issue in the license manager assignment when using the drop down arrow to select a current user for the license. DO NOT USE THE DROP DOWN OPTION. You will see a message pop-up saying “Duplicate Assignment” if you use the drop down list to assign the license to an existing user.***
2A. ASSIGNING MODULES TO A USER (FieldLink & FieldLink Office)
- It’s important to note that FieldLink and FieldLink Office unlock extra features via modules. In order to take advantage of these features, you must assign each module to the user. If a user is using “Advanced” then the admin must assign the FieldLink Core license first, and then the Advanced license.
For Example:
1. First, assign Core License to end user - Then, assign Advanced (or any other modules) to end user
To assign a license to a new user you will need to click the new user icon in the license title.
After selecting the new user icon a window will pop-up asking for the New Users information. In this window you can decide to make the user an administrator of the licenses assigned to your TID for this software block. There is a confirmation box that will appear before the admin rights are assigned to the new user. The admin rights will allow the user to assign the license to another end user should the license need be moved between team members.
To officially activate a license you just need to click the Activate button as highlighted below. The license will expire per the expiry date shown with the license or 30 days after being assigned to your TID and not activated by that time. Should the license expire due to inactivation please reach out to our support team. Once a license is activated there will be a notification email sent out to the end user for the license. It’s possible to activate a license to both an end user and one that has not been assigned to an end user.
In the license title you can click the “x” next to the users name to remove them as the user of that license. This allows you to assign the license to another user.
To give existing users administrative privileges to the licenses in your account, you will need to grant them full access.
- Select “Users” from the left hand column.
- Find the user you want to grant Admin Access to, and click the Pencil Icon under the Actions column.
- Click the checkbox for Grant Administrator Access
- Click the Grant Access option to agree to give that user full administrative rights
- For the new user to make changes to the admin’s account, they need to navigate to the “Switch Accounts” option on the left hand column, and select the administrator’s account from the list. They are then free to make changes, and assign licenses.
7. Granting BuildingPoint Help Desk Access
In order for BuildingPoint Support to offer assistance for License manager issues, clients will need to grant our support team administrator access to their License Manager account by adding an additional administrator account. To grant access, please follow the steps below.
- Click on the Users tab.
- Click Create User
- Please enter the following information:
• Email:
• First Name: BuildingPoint
• Last Name: Help Desk - Ensure that the fields match the image below:
- Click Create New User, then click Grant Access to give administrator access
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